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Contacts and Corona – Yes or No!

We’ve seen a lot of “news” reports lately that have given a lot of misinformation regarding COVID-19 and contact lenses. If you are currently wearing contacts, please know that you are safe to continue doing so. Here are some of the most important things to know about this subject right now!

    • Proper Hand Washing is Essential. When using contact lenses, careful and thorough hand washing with soap and water followed by hand drying with unused paper towels is the most important thing to do right now.  Do this before putting them in and before taking them out.
    • Disinfect Contact Lenses. Contact lens wearers should either dispose of their daily disposable lenses each evening, or regularly disinfect their monthly and two-week lenses according to manufacturer and eye care professional instructions. Overwearing of contacts is never a good idea, but especially right now. Remember a clean case in important too!
    • Disinfect Glasses. Coronavirus can remain on hard surfaces for hours to days, which can be transferred to glasses wearers fingers and faces. This especially holds true for those needing reading help. Most people who require reading glasses may be putting them on and off their face multiple times a day.
    • Discontinue Lens Wear. Anytime you are concerned about red, irritated eyes or if you don’t feel healthy, you should choose glasses over contacts.

So remember – good hand hygiene plus keep your hands away from your face, eyes, nose and mouth!! Be careful. Be cautious.
